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Work & Learn


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Work & Lern

Team workplaces

Reservation of team workplaces during the examination period

For the usage, an application has to be submitted. The application is done by a reservation plan (see below). In our answer, we will tell you whether a reservation is possible for the period of time required. Please have a look on the reservation plan in order to see whether team workplaces are still available within the period of time required. For the usage on saturdays or sundays, the application has to be submitted until the preceding Friday at noon at latest.

The team workplaces are reservable for up to 10 persons. The person submitting the application is liable for the reservation and serves as our contact in this respect. At the end of the reservation period, the room has to be reset in the state as it was found (furnishment in particular).

At the time of reservation, the Usage regulations of the University Library of Chemnitz University of Technology (PDF) are automatically accepted as binding. In addition, the users commit to make use of the team workplaces in the approved ways only. This includes i.a. 

  • that the usage takes place exclusively in the period of time reserved by the number of persons determined for the respective rooms,
  • that no food or beverages (except of water) are allowed to be brought along or consumed. For those purposes, exclusively the indicated spaces in the University Library building or beyond have to be used,
  • that no materials are stucked on walls, furnishment and equipment and that furnishment and equipment are not taken away, damaged or soiled.

It is allowed to use own technical equipment serving directly for the support/ implementation of the academic work but no other technical devices (e.g. coffee makers, kettles etc.). Electricity connections are available. In the case that a room reserved is not needed anymore, it is mandatory to inform us.